Manifestation is a process of Magik that is founded on something you may be surprised by. Much has been offered and spoken across the eons around how to manifest what you truly choose into being: the art and science of manifestation. But did you ever stop to ask yourself the most important question of all?
Not HOW do I manifest but WHY do I manifest
If you do not know the answer to this question then your ability to manifest is vastly diminished. Conversely, when you do know why, then your power to manifest takes a quantum leap. In our 5 day Magik Manifestation experience we learn the secret ingredient of WHY to unlock the Magik of HOW in 5 simple steps.
The dictionary defines manifestation as an event, action or thing that is a sign that something exists or is happening. The process of manifesting is something altogether different though. How do you bring something out of concept and idea into reality?
Manifestation can be defined as using energy from different dimensions or levels of consciousness and weaving and focusing that energy into a cohesive, resonant, form through you. How does this happen? It occurs through your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviours.
Your belief systems are made up of your thoughts. Your feelings and behaviours (choices and actions) give form and life to those thoughts, bring those thoughts into being.
These thoughts feelings and behaviours all resonate at certain frequencies of sound.
When manifesting, you are manipulating that energy. And for you to create your manifestation clearly and deliberately these energies must be brought together and cohesively moulded, influenced, by you. Which means to do so, you must be in a cohesive aligned resonant state of being so that you are crucially, naturally aligned to both of the following:
- What you choose to manifest
- The frequency of harmonic manifestation in our universe.
We will dive into the five simple ways to do this over these next five days
The energies of the higher dimensions are more accessible than you may think and working directly with them brings about manifestation and changes more quickly than simply focusing on the 'solid reality' manifestation.
These dimensions of energy are all resonating as frequencies.
What does the MAGIK represent in Magik Manifestation?
Make the Frequency of what you choose to Manifest and Mean it.
Hollow requests or desires are no good. You have to mean it and to do that, every ounce of your being must come together in resonance to BE what you are choosing. This means matching your own frequency to the frequency of what you choose.
Why then does the WHY form the fundamental anchor and success of manifesting? It's because the most power you can possibly harness in your vibration and frequency (music) is centred in the Why and not the How.
- The WHY is your frequency
- The HOW is the universal frequency matching you
The why is what drives you, what gets you out of bed in the morning, what has you laugh and cry, delight and excite. The why has you do things and go places that you would never have thought you had the courage or capacity to do. It has you leap outside of your comfort zone straight into what we call the 'Magik Zone'.
Your Why drives you to take the action that unleashes your most powerful superhuman capabilities. It quite literally propels you through fears, excitement and doorways that will unleash never before experienced capabilities from within you.
The Why operates by commanding you transcend your normal atomic state within you and instead unlock and operate from within the subatomic level of your being: the place where spooky action or the paranormal happens. Where you make the seemingly impossible possible because you are operating at the quantum level of your being.
To reach these places we must move through powerful gauntlets of our own transformation which can only be done with the driving factor of the Why behind us.
Unlocking the Why is crucial to manifestation. Without the Why, there is no power for the how to unfold because the How will remain sitting in a normal, atomic, 3d solid reality with all its constraints and stories/beliefs around what is possible and what is not possible.
Your power sits in your Why.
Have you ever asked yourself this question:
"Why do I do what I do, want what I want, seek what I seek? What is driving me to do this?"
If you don't know the answer to this question then wont have the rocket fuel behind you to open up the levels of manifestation possible to you when you do.
Your 'WHY' is your unique Frequency, the sound vibration or voice of you. It allows the cohesion of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours to merge. Your Why is not a specific thing or an outcome. It's a state of being vibrating in sound and music. And that state of being is further anchored, and supported, by the specific goals, desires and outcomes that you choose to manifest which lead you deeper into that state of being.
The first thing we must do therefore is understand our 'Why', (something we dive deeply into in the Alkemist program Module 3) and place ourself firmly and consistently into its frequency.
Lots of ancient advanced civilisations knew this very well, for example the Tuatha de Danaan ancient Celtic alchemists who designed resonance chambers up on the mountains of Sligo in Ireland to be able to align themselves with the natural harmonic state of manifestation. The Egyptians specifically designed the pyramids with hidden inner chambers as resonance chambers in order to achieve this resonant state which they believed would not only achieve the manifestation of huge wealth, abundance and enlightenment, but also allow them to draw many dimensions of energy into one. They used the BenBen stone as a capstone to seal the ability to do this. Upon the BenBen capstone would sit a winged sun and a story written in hieroglyphs. This story was their chosen manifestation which in most cases was a way of thriving in immortality.
Key to remember is that you enture being is made of atoms and 99.9% of atoms is pure energy. Less than .01recurring is matter. That energy vibrates as sound.
Lets explore your Why
- Play 432 hz (the universal frequency as reality comes into being)
- Think about what is your WHY
- Holding the feeling of your WHY in your heart, play the 432HZ again
Manifestation requires real clarity and very clear articulation.
We get what we ask for so we must be very clear about what that is. Let's remember that what we are asking for is occurring on all levels of our being. Not just the words we speak to articulate what we want but the thoughts we have, the feelings we feel and beliefs we hold to be true.
Often we can think we want something and when it shows up we realise that's not what we wanted at all. Sometimes it's out by a large margin and sometimes by a small margin. That's fine in as much as we learn what we really want by meeting what we don't want in order to shape our understanding and experiences. For example, you enter a clothes shop and ask simply for an outfit for going out that evening. They bring you all sorts of clothing that you don't want. But you didn't know you don't want it until you see it at which point you realise thats not for you. You then are clear you want a dress. They bring you many dresses. You realise you want a shorter dress, then a red dress, then longer arms and on and on until you get the dress you want in all the fine detail. Often when you receive that final dress its nothing like you had in mind when you began.
What if you could, from the outset, not only have clarity around the goal/thing (dress/outfit) you desire, but also push yourself to go beyond that and amplify that goal to experience something toy hadn't even conceived of. In other words:
Advanced Articulate
It's crucial to understand that the universe, field of consciousness, is NOT the transformer or manifestor. It's YOU who is the transformer or manifestor. YOU are the vehicle through which the universe can experience, feel, imagine and transform. Without you the universe, or field of consciousness, cannot grow. And so to that field, it's not invested or, you could say even interested, in any of the specifics you choose. It has no judgement, no preferences and no values around your choice. All it cares about is that your choice will see it expand and grow. It will deliver you what you choose without agenda by matching frequencies of your commands to other requests. In the matching, it is using frequency and so what shows up will most likely be different to what you imagine (More in Module 3)
The universe/Field of consciousness has only one agenda and that is to expand, evolve and grow. It does it through YOU. To do so, it must continually create an environment in which it can further know and understand itself. And to do that it must know what it is not, in order to further understand what it is, (You have to know cold to know what hot is) and therefore push the boundaries of that BEINGNESS.
So if you are working with Manifestation from the understanding or perspective of the universe wants my choice to come into being, you have to understand something crucial. It doesn't want YOUR specific choice to come into being for itself, it wants an opportunity to grow and expand through you in whatever way that opportunity presents itself. So always ask yourself:
- Am I presenting an exciting opportunity for growth for the field in what I am choosing to manifest? The more you can answer yes, the more power will be present.
- How much more can I advance the Manifestation beyond that which I believed possible. The more you Advance, the clearer you get, the more universal power is present.
We propel ourselves into a 'future' timeline in which we experience different outcomes.
- Step into the future to feel what it feels like to be living in your desired manifestation. What does it feel like?
- Is this feeling aligned with your 'frequency', your 'why'?
- What happens if you now step further forwards, further into the 'future' and look back at yourself with the manifest outcome. How does that 'feel'?(feeling drives the creation, feeling powers the story that commands the field.) Did you reach big enough? Could you have imagined something bigger? created something bigger?
The key here is to know that all timelines are occurring at once and so as soon as you step into a future, you have reset/altered your past and now concurrently into a new vibration, a new vision, and a new state of being.
The universe reads you like a barcode reader, matches your frequency. So you can trick it into a new state of being through simply changing up your feelings and state of being.
Perception within advanced articulation:
Your idea of what is possible vs what is not possible is entirely through the eyes of your own perception. Its is your perception that forms the foundation of your entire belief system and therefore sets up what you perceive is occurring. The field/universe doesn't care what your perception is, only that it IS because it needs to read your thoughts feelings and state of being in order to match them back to you. This is why your music, frequency is key! If your perceptions are telling you all the reasons why you are not enough, or the world is not enough, to bring you what you choose then the field will create this reality for you because it assumes that's what you are choosing. Articulation therefore includes understanding it is YOU who chooses every way in which the universe/the field shows up to you. Though that can feel initially like a great responsibility, it is actually the greatest freedom! We dive deep into this in the Perception Module of the Alkemist program.
- Be honest in looking at how you speak to yourself and the world around you. Could you speak and think and feel more magikally?
- Step into the future to feel what it feels like to be living in your desired manifestation. What does it feel like?
- Is this feeling aligned with your 'frequency', your 'why'?
- What happens if you now step further forwards and look back at yourself with the manifest outcome. How does that 'feel'?(feeling drives the creation, feeling powers the story that commands the field. Did you reach big enough? Could you have imagined something bigger? created something bigger?
We dive much deeper into this in the Magician program (In the module of Convergent Proof)
You have to give to receive. The more you give, the more you will receive.
When you give, truly give from a place of real joy of giving, then a miraculous thing happens. The universe, field, sends you more to give because it recognises and matches that you love to give. Giving is your frequency.
This does not mean giving out of balance. Yet when we give it's crucial that we 'know' that what we give comes back to us in way more than equal measures but not necessarily from where you would expect, and often not from the person or thing you are giving to.
This is because the universe, in order to grow, will always look to equalise polarity and move beyond both. (Hermetic principles which dive deep into within the Alkemist Continuum module). So if you are giving, then you must be open to and able to receive in order to equalise that polarity. However, its key to know that it's not your job to worry about where it comes back from.
Giving sets up an extraordinary quantum flow of energy that can travel through all dimensions and realities to reach anywhere and anything. Why does this matter? Because the act of giving reconstructs reality on a very powerful quantum entanglement level.
Neuroscience has demonstrated that giving is a powerful pathway for creating more personal joy and improving your overall health. While the brain is remarkably complex, the neurochemical drivers of joy and happiness are very clear and easy to identify. Dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin make up whats known as 'the Happiness Trifecta'. Giving radically increases the production of these neurochemicals that instantly cause a change in your frequency. They boost your mood. Serotonin creates restful sleep, better digestion, stronger clarity, memory learning, and better appetite Dopamine radically increases your motivation and arousal. Oxytocin is known as “the cuddle hormone”. It has a powerful effect on the brain and the body as it flows regulating blood pressure, increasing bonding, reducing social fears while enhancing trust and empathy. Oxytocin is also an anti-inflammatory and reduces pain while enhancing wound healing.
Giving quite literally changes your frequency and anchors you further into your Why. So if giving allows us to secrete all the chemicals at once, we owe it to ourselves to give as often as possible!
The fastest way to get yourself into the frequency of Giving is to be Grateful. The manifest frequency of Gratitude is on 2 levels:
- Gratitude for what is
- Gratitude for what will be
Put yourself in the thankful state of already receiving in order to receive.
This isn't just thankful for what will show up. This is to be truly thankful for what already is in your life. To see everything and everyone through different eyes. To understand that everyone and everything are there to love and support you in their own unique way as you create the pattern of your life and world. They are in your life because you have called them to you. Get into the vibration of gratitude. How do we do this?
Gratitude vs Judgement
Gratitude for all you have experienced in your life is key. Stop looking at things as good or bad, right or wrong but as necessary experiences to catalyse you into more and more amazing places on your heroes journey.
Stop looking at whats missing in your life and start truly seeing and being grateful for what is in your life right now.
When you can't be grateful for everything in your world in a totally non judgmental way, when you can't see the value in all, then you are creating a very impenetrable block to manifesting. Why? Because the field now knows you don't value the things you manifest into your life.
Gratitude = Value.
How do you value your life right now and everyone and everything in it? What are the material ways in which you demonstrate that value?
Without gratitude you cannot receive
- Write down all the wonderful things in your life (be sure to include things like your health, your friends, family etc aswell as actual manifestations)
- Write down wonderful experiences in your life. Feel what you feel like in the zone of having those experiences. What happens to your heart, your body, your physiology?
- When you feel into that space, what do you feel like giving to others and also to yourself?
- Create a gratitude mantra/chant/saying that you use daily and anytime in which you begin to doubt yourself
Initiate and see the result in everything. Every word you think and speak, every person you speak to is all an initiation of what you choose to come into being. Look for the outcome in their behaviour towards you.
It's not enough to simply want what you are choosing.
- Want it
- Become it
- Inititate and engender it into all you meet and experience
When you Initiate a choice of what to manifest, you hold a certain frequency in that moment. In quantum terms this is called 'quantum entanglement'. You and your desired outcome, idea, are connected or entangled by the same frequency in that moment. Therefore it is crucial that you continue to hold the same frequency as when initiating the manifestation thoughts otherwise your manifestation will miss you. Simply because its searching for a location (quantum) that you are no longer in.
You and your manifestation have become mismatched or, in quantum terms, reside in different realities/locations.
When you invite a manifestation into your life its key that you understand this is the beginning of a rite of passage in which you are using that manifestation to hold you accountable to become and consistently be that which you are choosing: its frequency.
For example if you are choosing to experience true joy and yet your words are about the sadness in your life, your actions reflect this and you feel real sadness then that joy cannot find you. Quite simply you reside in a different location. This is distinctly different to knowing that sadness is a polarity to joy to allow you experience something beyond both. When we understand that, then even in the midst of deep sadness we dont feel sad. We feel the knowing that the sadness that is palpable is unlocking a greater level of joy than ever before. In other words we hold the frequency of greater joy while observing the sadness that is merely a part of the rite of passage to experience more joy.
Manifestation can happen immediately or it can take 'time' to occur. This has nothing to do with 'time' and everything to do with you: your state of being.
It goes back to the power of Articulation since the field, universe, is matching your requirements or commands of that with everything and everyone else feeding it. The more specific and clear you get (not just in word but in frequency and state of being) the more it can match you with a closer match. This is what unlocks synchronicity.
Linear time is a man-made construct. In an atomic 3d reality it can appear as if cause and effect is what causes time to move in that way. Chronological actions that take place to move from one place through a series of steps to another.
However, on the quantum level and as soon as you step into 5d and beyond, time is occurring simultaneously. Many quantum experiements show how this happens and how the observer not only changes time but also changes the actual manifestation by observing and thinking.
So, to initiate a manifestation, it is crucial we no longer expect it show up in linear time but to know it already exists. That idea has conceived of you at the same time as you had the idea. You and your manifest outcome are existing in the same moment. What stops you meeting is YOU. What allows you to meet is YOU.
How you see the world is how your world will show up to you. This includes how you see events, unfoldings, people and their behaviour. Manifestation will show up to you reflecting what you see.
Because all creation happens through the observer. The universe/field of consciousness is not discriminatory. People who manifest in an incredible way don't do it because the field favours them. It happens because the field is responding to the way they are showing up to the field. The field simply matches what they are choosing with every ounce of their being - their thoughts, the words they speak, the actions they take, the behaviours they display. The field barcode reads that and plays it back to them.
So the way you perceive or see magik is key! Ask yourself do you truly honestly with every cell of your being know that magik is a tangible palpable force that consistently plays out for you? If yes, the field will send every experience to you as magik that will amaze you.
If no, then the magik you seek cannot find you and will be sent to a different location.
You must SEE what you are choosing in everyone and everything. You must do this to the point that you are reaffirming your choice in every word you speak with them and find how they affirm that in every word they speak with you. What someone says is always received by the other through the eyes of their own perception.
The universe is in co-creative collaboration with your perception. Your perception initiates the universal matching for manifestation.
Remember that you are not only initiating your choice into being, but that choice of what to manifest is putting YOU through an initiation to become what you need to be in order to receive it.
- What or how do you see the world.
- What are your beliefs around manifestation
- Challenge yourself to hold the frequency of your manifestation in your heart (your why is on the same frequency - your why with a vision of a specific choice) as you look for affirmation of it in everyone and everything
How to recognise KNOW when that manifestation is already circling towards you and what to do to anchor it in.
We can be great at getting clear on. what we choose, articulating it, stepping into the frequency of it and thinking we are ready to receive it however if we dont recognise the signs of when its dropping in then we cant actively anchor that manifestation into our lives. It sounds simple and obvious yet the keys the universe is sending you to recognise a manifestation arriving can be subtle aswell as bold or obvious and work like a dance of elements that weave together to create a slipstream of events that cause an anchor to happen. (Convergence: We dive deep into this in the Magician Program)
When the thing you have chosen to manifest gets close, a series of things begin to happen.
SUBTLE signs
- You hear it spoken or on TV, billboards, mentioned in passing - signs clues and codes (Module 1 Alkemist Program SIMPLE)
- Synchronicity starts increasing
- a surge of seemingly random yet interconnected things that connect back to the manifestation you have chosen start appearing in the form of random events, signs and people showing up out of the blue (what they are saying, the way they are acting)
STRONG signs
- A domino effect begins to happen as a singular stream of occurrences happening at speed.
- the speed at which this happens starts spiralling, as if everything is leading to everything else at a speed that can feel uncomfortable at first
- You can be both excited but then scared, feeling as if you have no control over the speed and power at which everything is coming at you. (But thats not actually the case because it is YOU who conjured this manifestation storm).
It is when these things become noticeable to you that you must lean into, and not away from, what's happening.
You could ask why would you not lean into this? Well, believe it or not, this is the very stage when most manifestation breaks down because people get scared of what they have asked for or depressed because they think its not coming in the way they expected. They start feeling like things they don't like are happening, showing up, and their instinct is to turn and run. They may feel like it's all spiralling out of control when the reality is the absolute opposite. You can be closest to your manifestation when you feel its furthest away.
Ancient civilisations designed a labyrinth for that very purpose. This labyrinth was a maze pathway that was built to hold the 432hz (golden ratio) and acted as a spiralling pathway to lead you to its centre and your desired goal. The pathway was a rite of passage to reach what you truly choose (at the centre). It directly reflects the Hero's Journey with all the twists and turns the Hero takes as they journey transformation. When walking the labyrinth, the person will find that just as they think they have reached the centre they are actually on the pathway furthest from their goal (manifestation). It is at this point that most people give up, from the smallest manifestation choice to the largest, because they believe they have put in all the effort and seen nothing in return. (They are looking for the tip of the iceberg without seeing all the ice beneath the water). Yet when they stay the course, walk the longest pathway away from their goal then as they turn, the next pathway is one of the shortest walks and leads them almost directly to the centre.
This accurately reflects our journey with manifestation. We need to see with our subatomic paranormal eyes and not simply our atomic eyes. We have to remember that just because we cant see it it doesn't mean its not there or coming in. We must become adept at looking for the signs that it is circling in rather than the end result being the only sign. All the while, we hold our manifestation frequency and engender behaviour in everyone and everything to reflect that.
The keys to anchor it in are:
- let go of attachment to form
- be open to the many forms it can show up in
- mould the manifestation as its dropping in by loving it and loving the process
- stay in the frequency of receiving
- know you are more than enough to receive
At the heart of recognising and knowing when your manifestation is upon you, you have to be able to receive it. How do you say YES, step into and receive what you have chosen to manifest. This is the key stage at which most manifestation breaks down.
- Assign a person/friend to hold you accountable to knowing that what you choose is here. Stay in the 'Know' not 'hope'
- Lean into the signs that what you choose is coming in - particularly whenit all starts speeding up and you dip into fear
- Write down all the signs so you can visibly see all the connections occurring.
- Walk a labyrinth and set the intent of your manifestation at the centre