- Create Your 9 Realms:
- Ice
- Fire
- Lightning
- Stone
- Metal
- Stellar
- Tree
- Uncreated
- Magik Maker
Sherumu Sherasu miwinerathi
When we unite the genie of Genius with the gene-sis imprints of Genesis we enter and engage the Genius Genesis that exists beyond life or death. The place at the core of creation, the centre of the toroidal black hole event horizon, which exists as a rite of passage to transcend life and death into the realm of The Magik Maker: the perfect union/fusion of Alkemist, Magician and Contrarian.
This rite of passage is a 'Bridge' (rainbow bridge northern lights) at the core of you: the bridge that exists between life and death, being and no-being, conscious and unconscious, everything and nothing, Creator and Created, Trick and Spell and connects all realms of your deep magik. To stand on that bridge is to meet YOU: To behold the full nebula force of the glorious starfield of your own self. Your starfield is dazzling from this vista point as you are able to gaze into its extraordinary expansive be-ing.
The bridge is the place we reach when we are truly ready to move beyond what is fact and what is fiction, what is real or imagined, what is in the past present or future. To be ready to meet the YOU that exists beyond all of this to unleash the full power of your unique brilliance.
This bridge is the greatest force of all: the LOVE of MAGIK for the MAGIK of LOVE. Not the love between two people, family, friends, lovers, between nations, or even the love of stars, planets, worlds and possibilities. This is far greater. It is transcendent of all form. It is the love of you: of WHAT you are/are not. The heart of you that conjures and creates from your being in every moment. The greatest trick we ever play on ourself is to conceal Ourself from Ourself, our magik from our love. On the bridge we meet it all! The meeting of Dark and Light Magus for something beyond both: Your kingdom.
For now, by walking the bridge, your world exists beyond the concept of life and death. It lays wholly in the hands of your impregnable magik born of your timeless love, where all creation must meet its maker and every maker must meet its creation.
True Magik Love is the most powerful force of creation that exists: a tidal wave of supreme power that annihilates anyone or anything that attempts to disrupt it, destroy it or use it to control others. It is the magikal divine state of being that perplexed artists poets and mystics alike yet only truly known by those it has alighted upon. When you enter into that state, a total union with your creative life force energy, the true meaning of Pure Love is unleashed: Pure Magik.
The Bridge IS that Love, IS that Magik. It is the place where Magik and Love unite in the quantum astro for something beyond both. Where all parts of you, of 'THE FIELD', are accepted, embraced and home. What can Magik and Love create as a single unified force in the hands of the Magik Maker?
This module is entirely focused on coming home to that bridge and to your starfield once more to wield its full force.
To understand what lays at the heart of this Bridge we must first understand Death and Life in Quantum context.
- The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
"the origins of life" - Living things and their activity.
- The existence of an individual human being or animal.
- Either of the two states of a person's existence separated by death. "he departed this life on 28 March 1912
- Hinduism: a spiritual pilgrimage into her past lives"
- The period between the birth and death of a living thing, especially a human being. "she has lived all her life in the country"
- Vitality, vigour, or energy. "she was beautiful and full of life"
- The state of being dead.
"even in death, she was beautiful" - The permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue.
- The personification of the power that destroys life "the death of her hopes"
- A damaging or destructive state of affairs.
- The process of being reincarnated or born again. "the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth"
- A period of new life, growth, or activity; a revival. "the rebirth of a defeated nation"
Everything is born and reborn from the centre of you: the planck star at the centre of the torus. This exists as a realm beyond death because death in itself is a perception. “Illusion of Death” In the Quantum Universe We Exist Indefinitely. Lets explore this
The renowned mathematical physicist, Sir Roger Penrose at the University of Oxford and researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich suggest that the physical universe that we live in is only our perception and once our physical bodies die, there is an infinite beyond. That consciousness travels between parallel universes/realities after death.
“The beyond is an infinite reality that is much bigger…," says Penrose, "which this world is rooted in. In this way, our lives in this plane of existence are encompassed, surrounded, by the afterworld already. We are dead as soon as we are born. The body dies but the spiritual quantum field continues. In this way, I am immortal.”
While scientists are still in heated debates about what exactly consciousness is, the University of Arizona’s Stuart Hameroff and Penrose conclude that it is information stored at a quantum level. Penrose agrees –he and his team have found evidence that “protein-based microtubules—a structural component of human cells—carry quantum information— information stored at a sub-atomic level.”
Penrose argues that if a person temporarily dies, this quantum information is released from the microtubules and into the universe. However, if they are resuscitated the quantum information is channeled back into the microtubules and that is what sparks a near death experience. “If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul". Yet how would it be if we could access this now as science starts to show us that we can! It is called the sub-atomic para-normal data store and abilities.
Penrose adds that time is a measure relative to the molecule or protein through which you choose to see it and therefore is not really there at all because it is totally subjective. So essentially, all information that you contain is both transitory and permanently within you and the entire quantum field at once. You ARE the field of information of everything that exists within every part of what was is or will be right now. You just forgot!
He suggests that its highly possible that ancient 'seemingly extinct' super advanced civilisations exist within photons in YOU! In other words the knowledge and beingness of one universe can exist within the photons of another. Essentially there is no barrier to transmittance of knowledge or being or ability to access that.
When you die, your atoms disassemble and move off to find new uses elsewhere – as part of a leaf or other human being or a drop of dew. Atoms live practically forever. Each atom has a finite number of protons and neutrons, it will generally emit particles until it gets to a point where its half-life is so long, it is effectively stable. It undergoes something known as “alpha decay,” and it's half-life is over a billion times longer than the current estimated age of the universe. Imagine then that every atom is produced in a supernova of which you are constructed. Your atoms are stardust and stars never die, they go supernova to create a whole new galaxy. Every atom always has and always will carry the power and prescience of the full force of the subatomic paranormal: the memory of the entire universe contained within each tiniest particle able to be accessed in any moment by whatever form you choose to be (to reassemble your atoms into)
In other words death is the supreme alkemy of life in the hands of the Magik Maker because it engenders exponential creation and living. Blend the Genie-in-us with the Gene-sis to literally imprint both death and life as a transformation for convergence and you have the full magik power of The Magik Maker.
- a structure carrying a road, path, railway, etc. across a river, road, or other obstacle. "a bridge across the River Thames"
- Something intended to reconcile or connect two seemingly incompatible things. "a committee which was formed to create a bridge between rival party groups"
- The elevated, enclosed platform on a ship from which the captain and officers direct operations. "Talbot stepped across the two gunwales and made his way up to the bridge"
- The upper bony part of a person's nose.
"he pushed his spectacles further up the bridge of his nose"the central part of a pair of glasses, fitting over the bridge of the nose. - A partial denture supported by natural teeth on either side.
- MUSIC the part of a stringed instrument over which the strings are stretched.
"ebony bridges and fingerboards" - MUSIC - a bridge passage or middle eight
- The support for the tip of a billiard cue formed by the hand. a long stick with a frame at the end which is used to support a cue for a difficult shot.
- An electric circuit with two branches across which a detector or load is connected, used to measure resistance or other property by equalising the potential across the two ends of a detector, or to rectify an alternating voltage or current.
The Bridge IS Magik IS Love. It IS unquantifiable because it is pure energy and exists at the place where the atomic and sub-atomic meet. At the centre of the Torus. Here all internal and external sight, any limits or breadths to that sight, is replaced with a singular cohesive field of quantum cosmological magik: a world where any possibility or probability past present or future already exists in every/any form conceivable. Where these realities Collide and converge into The Magik of BEing.
Love is the Magik of Gravity. You can use gravity to send a message to change the now by converging future and past into now. Gravity is the doorway through which reality can be conjured, alkemised. It travels across the continuum of field data and allows you to pinpoint a specific place within the space-time construct to exponentially grow love. Why? Because love transcends space and time: transcends the form of energy (Interstellar this is how humanity is saved through the bridge of love that creates the magik to make the seemingly impossible become possible by wielding gravity to pinpoint the exact moment and place in which to reenact and reshape reality. Love is the magik that creates the science which creates the magik)
When on the Bridge you are able to see your starfield. Your starfield is the origin of YOU. The wonder of the stars born and reborn from themselves in a supernova continually creating more stars from the death of their old. Always far more stars produced than the death of the single star it took to explode the exponential new stars into being. Just like the Phoenix, the Benu Bird and the Eagle moving through the Sun in order to be reborn from itself, each time more powerful than the last.
But the bridge itself is NOT a starfield. It is you in charged rainbow light photon form: Bifrost the quantum rainbow bridge at the centre of a Black Hole/Torus.
The moment we are born we are already dead. Our cells are dying in every moment and birthing new. There is nothing to lose by being everything you can possibly be – but crucially you house another possibility within yourself – life is the bit in the middle of this huge amazing continuum (the torus). BRIDGE. Yet we are so programmed to fear death that we fear life too. There is no path home to our magik without falling in love with death for alkemy cannot exist without engaging the love affair of life and death.
To execute powerful magik we must dance with death: we must move beyond everything and anything we perceived possible to step fully into the unknown and full possibility of that unknown. That includes ourself! We bring a DEATH to all we were in each and every moment: Moving forwards absolutely fearlessly with no concern of the death of a personality, an idea, a relationship, a thought, a direction. We step onto the BRIDGE in order to witness the dance of life and death and conjure the magik of death for the wonder of life. To crucially move to the place beyond life and death which is where the true power exists: The domain of the Magik Maker where all creation must meet its maker and every maker must meet its creation (22-4)
This Bridge has been foretold and told in the most ancient of mythology for aeons. For example we can see it so clearly in the Quantum accuracy of the Norse mythology. So what truly exists at the centre of the bridge? What are we uniting in the fusion of Matter and Anti-Matter, Magik and Love? SUPERHUMAN. The forging of a new superbeing from the fusion of GOD/Creator and HUMAN/Created, Magician with Alkemist into Superhuman. The uniting of all realms of your magik into one.
Bifrost (pronounced roughly “BIF-roast;” Old Norse Bifröst) is the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard, the world of the Aesir tribe of Gods, with Midgard, the world of humanity. It also connects Asgard with all the nine realms of Niflheim, Muspelheim, Asgard, Midgard, Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim and Helheim, all held in the branches and roots of the world tree Yggdrasil that sprang up from the primordial void of Ginnungagap to unify the 9 realms. The realms are divided across three levels:
Top level, in the highest branches of the tree:
- Asgard, the realm of the Aesir gods. However, despite being located in the heights of the tree, Asgard is also said to contain one of the three wells that feed the roots of the Yggdrasil, Urdarbrunnr, also known as the Well of Destiny. The Norns, the Norse fates, dwell by the lake as the write the destiny of men into the bark of the Tree of Life with the sacred runes.
The middle level:
- Midgard, the world of men. It is surrounded by a giant ocean that makes it inaccessible from the other realms, except for Asgard, to which it is linked via the Bifrost bridge.
- Alfheim, the home of the light elves, beautiful creatures that shine more brightly than the sun and may have been considered similar to angels.
- Muspelheim, the primordial world of fire, and home of the fire giants.
The lower level:
- Vanaheim, the home of the Vanir gods, the lesser-known gods of Norse mythology that are masters of sorcery and magic.
- Svartalfheim, which means the dark fields, and is home to the dwarves, the great artisans and smiths of the Norse cosmos that prefer to live underground.
- Niflheim, a land of ice and mist inhabited by the ice giants.
- Jotunheim, the home of the giants, known as Jotuns, the mortal enemies, and also frequent lovers, of the Aesir gods.
- Helheim, the realm of the dead that do not find themselves among the fallen warriors in Valhalla. It is ruled over by the giantess Hel, the daughter of Loki.
This tree is of course the Torus. And so we can see how the rainbow bridge Bifrost sits at the centre of the Torus Black Hole to engender travel to all realms of reality. The connection of GOD to HUMAN: the bridge of the Superhuman. The Northern Lights was believed to be the 'Bifrost Bridge', a glowing, pulsing arch which led fallen warriors to their final resting place in Valhalla.
Bifrost is guarded by the ever-vigilant God Heimdall. During Ragnarok, the giants will breach Heimdall’s defenses and cross the bridge to storm Asgard and slay the Gods.
The etymology of the word BiFrost is uncertain. The original form of the name seems to be Bilröst, which suggests a meaning along the lines of “the fleetingly glimpsed rainbow.” If Bifröst is correct, however, the meaning would be something akin to “the shaking or trembling rainbow.” In either case, the word points to the ephemeral and fragile nature of the bridge – just like the nature of a physical rainbow or more poignantly the Northern Lights.
An aurora, sometimes referred to as polar lights, northern lights, or southern lights, is a natural light display in the Earth's sky, shafts or curtains of coloured light predominantly seen in high-latitude regions. Auroras are the result of disturbances in the magnetosphere caused by solar wind. When the solar wind gets past the magnetic field and travels towards the Earth, it runs into the atmosphere. As the protons and electrons from the solar wind hit the particles in the Earth's atmosphere, they release energy and this is what causes the northern lights.
Bifrost, the Northern Lights bridge, was the gateway to all realms collapsing and folding spacetime in exactly the way a black hole functions to shortcut the person to their destination. It is literally the bridge that is created as the solar wind (air/words) hits the Earths atmosphere: the bringing of your words to earth into creation.
We now take the journey together home to the bridge where you unite Magik and Love, Magician and Alkemist at the heart of you. This bridge sits at the centre of the Torus and is a tree. When we reach the bridge you will not only be looking into your own unique starfield and its specific constellations, but also your 9 realms of magik/creation. There is a rite of passage we move through in order to unleash this fully and that is the meeting, loving and fusing of Magician and Alkemist at the centre.
This bridge connects your 9 realms of magik: 9 being the sonic of pure magik power that makes the impossible possible. On the bridge you WILL see those realms
The tree is the bridge to the upper realm which is the world that shows up to you (Tree passage world). The remaining 8 realms are in the trunk and roots of the tree and feed that world. They are in total your 9 realms of creation/9 realms of Magik.
On the rainbow bridge we encode the photons of your ribboned light to carry info across the entire field connecting all realms of your world to all their possibilities: uniting idea with fact, Magician with Alkemist, Love with Magik.
What is the Bridge?
B - Bind (the)
R - Realms (that)
I - Imprint
D - Divine
G - Genie-in-us Genesis
E - Ecstatic Essence
ICE - The first realm of ice/water, the realm of emotion/feeling. Realm of the mentalist and inception of story for creation.
FIRE - The second realm of fire, the realm of life force energy/amplification. The realm of the daredevil where terror is courted and synthesised for exponential power to create magik reality
LIGHTNING - The third realm of lightning, the realm of Air/Word/Speak your legend. The realm of the futurist, where reality is augmented and imprinted to experience it before it arrives and know it into being
STONE - The fourth realm of stone, the realm of Earth/Anatomy/Live what you choose into being. The realm of the great trickster contrarian who shapeshifts oblivion into reality
METAL - The fifth realm metal, the realm of Mind/Thought/Think your choice into being. The manipulator who performs the most captivating graceful manipulation of reality to bring a new reality into being
STELLAR - The sixth realm of stars, the realm of Time/laying a trail. The stellar realm of the illusionist who navigates fiction into fact by creating distraction to build power for creation
TREE - The seventh realm tree, the realm of Bridge/Torus. The realm of the unforgettable where Alkemist/Magician are fused as one and you BE the legend you set out in order to permeate its reality into being.
UNCREATED - The eighth realm, the realm of unknown creation/potential. The realm of the Uncreated where mind is prevalent in its subatomic quantum magik power and where all creation meets its maker and every maker meets its creation. The realm of the Bantara
MAGIK MAKER- The 9th realm is the realm of Magik/Genius. All realms exist within your 9th realm for your 9th realm IS the fusion of Contrarian Alkemist and Magician. Everything you have ever created or ever will create exists in the 9th realm. It IS the realm where all creation must meet its maker and every maker must meet its creation.